Macclesfield Quiz League |
Setters' Trophy Menu |
The system that we currently use for ranking the questions each season, to decide the destination of the Cars & Vans 4U Ltd Trophy, has been in use since 2007. For an explanation of how it works, please click here.
2024–5 | 2023–4 | 2022–3 | 2021–2 |
2019–20 | 2018–19 | 2017–18 | 2016–17 | 2015–16 | 2014–15 | 2013–14 | 2012–13 | 2011–12 | 2010–11 |
2009–10 | 2008–9 | 2007–8 | 2006–7 | 2005–6 | 2004–5 | 2003–4 | 2002–3 | 2001–2 | 2000–1 |
1999–2000 | 1998–9 | 1997–8 | 1996–7 | 1995–6 | 1994–5 | 1993–4 | 1992–3 | 1991–2 | 1990–1 |
1989–90 | 1988–9 | 1987–8 | 1986–7 | 1985–6 |
© Macclesfield Quiz League 2017–24