Macclesfield Quiz League |
Information |
Rules |
The League will commence on Tuesday the 7th of November 2023.
Each team will consist of four players for any game; however any number of players may be used during a season. Once a player has played for one team during a season, whether that is in a League or Cup game, he or she may not play for another team during that season.
No substitutes may be used except in exceptional circumstances, both Captains and the Question Master agreeing.
The questions and weekly information sheets are available at the Waters Green Tavern in Waters Green for Question Masters to collect from 19:00 on the quiz night.
Teams are to assemble at the venue so that the game can start at 8 pm.
The game is started by the toss of a coin; the away team calls heads or tails. The winner of the toss has the choice to play first or second in the Specialist round, the order of play being reversed in the General Knowledge round. The Question Master should be in possession of a sealed set of questions and the score sheets.
The Question Master will direct individual questions to each team member in turn. If the individual answers his/her question correctly within 15 seconds, the time to be taken from the end of the question to the start of the answer, he/she will be awarded three points. However, should he/she feel unable to answer the question on their own, they can confer with the other members of the team at any time within the 15–second period by saying, "confer". The team will then have 10 seconds in which to start their answer. One point is awarded for a correct team answer.
If a team cannot field four members for a game, the question(s) for the missing team members shall be asked as conferred to the whole team for one point.
If an individual or "conferred" answer is incorrect, the question is passed over to the opposing team for a conferred answer, with a time limit of 10 seconds from the Question Master saying "passed over". One point is again awarded for a correct answer.
All points awarded count towards the team total; the three points scored by the individual also count towards the individual's score.
There are eight Specialist Rounds. These will include the following subjects:
• | Arts and Entertainment |
• | Geography |
• | History |
• | Science |
• | Sport |
The remaining three subject areas are left to the discretion of the Question Setters. The eight subjects can be arranged in any order.
At the end of the Specialist rounds, the order of play is reversed and there are twelve General Knowledge rounds.
In any dispute during play, the Question Master's decision is final.
If either team raises a query with the Question Master as to the factual correctness of a question, the Question Master may, if he or she wishes, use a smartphone or other Internet connected device (if one is available) to check the accuracy of the question as written, with a view to he or she using such information as is found to rule on the dispute. The Question Master's decision remains final as always. If any team is not satisfied with this, whilst accepting the decision for the evening, their Captain may protest in writing to the League Secretary within seven days, whereupon the Committee will make a final decision.
It is recommended that disputes be settled before moving on to the next question. Supplementary questions are also provided to allow the Question Master to resolve disputes. PLEASE resolve disputes on the night wherever possible.
Two points are awarded for a win and one for a drawn match. If teams are level on game points, the total points scored by the teams in their matches determine their league positions.
There are two leagues, A and B. Both Leagues have eight teams each this season.
The fees for the 2023–4 season are £50 per team. They are due as soon as possible. Penalties may be imposed for late payment. Any Non–League teams entering the Cup will pay a £5 fee.
League promotion and relegation is based on two up from the B League and two down from the A League. In the event of teams leaving the League or any other restructuring, the Committee's decision is final. If any team does not complete their fixtures or "drops out" of the League during the season, all their results to date will be expunged from the relevant League.
There is a Champion's Shield for each League, returnable each year and to be displayed in the winners' pubs at the pub's own risk.
There is no Plate competition this year; the Cup is the only knockout competition.
The Cup will include all League teams and any other teams paying the appropriate fee. It will be run on a strictly knockout basis.
There will be 120 questions asked as "conferred" questions, asked alternately to each team. If a wrong answer is given, the question is passed to the opposition. There is a time limit of 20 seconds for the team originally asked the question, and then a further 10 seconds is allowed for a "passed over" question. Two points are awarded for a correct answer, and one point for a passed over question.
The Question Master's decision is, as usual, final.
There is a Cup for the winners of the competition, which is returnable each year. The Cup will be kept at the winner's pub and displayed, at the pub's own risk. Other prizes may be awarded at the discretion of the Committee.
It is the responsibility of the winning team Captain to ensure that the score sheets are returned to the collection point by closing time on the day after the match, i.e. Wednesday evening. He or she may delegate this task but it is the ultimate responsibility of the winning team Captain. In the event of a drawn game, it is the responsibility of the Home team Captain.
In the event of the score sheets not being returned, the match score will be null and void, and no team scores or points will be awarded to either team. Individual scores will be recorded towards the individual totals for the season. In any other event, the Committee's decision is final.
For each game, teams competing will be afforded the opportunity to award points for the standard of each set of questions. This will be done initially by giving both sets of questions a mark out of ten. The score given should reflect the entertainment value of the questions and the way that the questions have contributed – or as is sometimes the case not contributed – to the overall evening.
The marks should be awarded directly after the end of the Specialist round, before the General Knowledge questions are asked, and then for the General Knowledge round at the end of the game.
In addition to the above mark for entertainment value, marks will be awarded for "difficulty" and "balance". These marks will be awarded this season by means of the spreadsheet calculation devised by Haydn Thompson as used previously.
A returnable trophy, kindly sponsored by Cars and Vans 4U Ltd, will be awarded to the team scoring the highest overall total of marks.
Individual scores will be recorded and the ten highest individuals in each League will be shown each week as a running total. Full scores will be published at the end of the season.
In each League this year, the best 11 out of a possible 14 scores for each individual will count.
© Macclesfield Quiz League 2023