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QM Guidance

Guidance for Question Masters 2017–18

Read the questions before asking them. Be sure before you start the question that you know what answer you are going to accept. Nothing is worse than humming and hawing and then saying "no, not quite right, passed over". Try not to give additional information to the side answering second.
If the answer requires a first name as well as a surname, ask for it in the question, otherwise a surname only is acceptable as an answer.
Visual and physical rounds are occasionally used. If there is a visually or physically handicapped player, offer the person the option of a non–visual or physical supplementary from another round.
If the answer required allows some leeway, you should mention it when asking the question, but not the amount of leeway.
If illegal collusion by any means is suspected or observed it should be brought to the attention of those concerned immediately and stopped. Any persistent offending must be notified to the team Captains and reported to the Committee.
It is recommended that disputes be settled if at all possible before moving on to the next question. Supplementary questions are provided to allow the Question Master to resolve disputes. PLEASE resolve disputes by this method wherever possible. Use your initiative; you are in charge on the night.

© Macclesfield Quiz League 2017