Macclesfield Quiz League |
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Question Setters' Trophy |
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Macclesfield Quiz League is an annual General Knowledge competition that's been held throughout the winter months in and around the market town of Macclesfield, in the English county of Cheshire, since at least 1982. On this website you can find all the latest results and League tables, a historical archive of past results and tables, and all the questions that we've set to challenge each other in the past few years (with answers, obviously).
This website replaced the Macclesfield Quiz League blog in 2017. The blog had been operational since 2007.
Thanks to Lesley Bailey for sending some newspaper cuttings of Macclesfield Express reports on the Quiz League, all dating from the 1980s. Click here (or in the Latest Updates menu on the left hand side of this page) for a News & Views special.
The next event will be the Plate Final, along with the AGM, in the autumn (date to be advised). Until then, we hope you have a great summer.
If you have any comments on the content of this website, please contact
If you have any questions, or anything to say, about Macclesfield Quiz League – particularly if you'd like to take part! – please contact
The 2023–4 season is now over, probably even including the shouting – or most of it anyway. But the Forum never closes, so if anything even vaguely relating to Macclesfield Quiz League does happen to occur to you, please feel free to share it!
The Archive section of the website is now complete, in the sense that all the historical material we have is there. But there are gaps; if you can fill any of them in, please get in touch!
Essentially, we have a complete record from 1999 onwards (thanks to the diligent record–keeping of Mark Watson). We have a good coverage of fixtures and results from the early 90s, but there are some gaps in the latter years of that decade. We have tables (League and Individual) as far back as the mid–80s, and Question Setters' Trophy details from 1992–3.
We have very little material concerning the first four or five years of the League's history (the early–to–mid 1980s), and sadly it now seems unlikely that we will come across much more from that era. But things do come to light from time to time; the latest addition was a number of newspaper cuttings sent in by Lesley Bailey during the 2023–4 season, which included League tables from 1982–3. These are now the earliest we have – click here for a News & Views special.
At the risk of repeating myself: if you happen to come across any information – of any kind – that isn't currently on the website, please let us know!
For details of what we have and what we don't have, please refer to the Archive Summary.
© Macclesfield Quiz League 2017–24